UCN Goes to Poland

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my blog. First of all I would like to thank you, for finding your time to stop by. I promise you will find here many information about school, city, different events and discounts for them, among many others.

University College of Northern Denmark became really active in promoting school to international students. They are willing to offer you opportunity of studying abroad and finding your own place in your future career. UCN Ambassadors (read more here) took part in promoting school in Hungary, Bulgaria and Estonia, what allow them to spend some free time in their home countries.

Me - presenting the school
I was also a member of doing marketing actions in Poland. I had opportunity to show my beautiful country to Mette Samuelsen – Head of International Relations in our school.
Prospective students on UCN presentation in Poland

In December 2011 we went to Lower Silesia in order to make high school visits there. That was very valuable time since Mette could present everything from recruitment point of view and I could explain my younger colleges how international student’s life really look like. After 3 days spent in the schools, we were included to promote UCN in fair “Targi Mobilności studenckiej” in Krakow. You can see some pictures below.

Presnting school in Krakow fair
Students asking many questions

I can tell you that even students from prestige school – Jagiellonian University were so fascinated about UCN and its programmes, that are willing to quit their current studies and apply to begin their new life in Aalborg, Denmark.

If you are still thinking of changing your life, just do it! Remember that  

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” 

I promise you that if you will get out of a bubble, you will not regret that. 
I can agree. Decision of moving out to different country, changing your school and group of friends,  counting money for every month and taking care of yourself may look like a dramatic revolution, but it will result in your future life.  

Just take the opportunity and ENJOY!


PS. Bonus for you guys!

Me, enjoying 'pierogi'

Mette Samuelsen, trying traditional, polish food

 Radio interview

You can check the interview for Polish radio here (unfortuanetely in polish)

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