First of all - I am very sorry I did not write anything in the previous week. I was overwhelmed with studying for the exam I had yesterday. It was from the whole semester - Guest&Customer Behavior, Cultural awarness, Organisational culture and Negotiation technique IN ONE! Lots of materials, lots of theory of Hofstede, Shein and other and lots of books and notes to cover. I didin't even feel Estearn - but it paid off - I passed on the first time, with the good grade as an external examination (I compare for you internal and external exam soon!:) )
Now I am over it and its time to ... study for the next session! hahha:)
As I promised. Second part of the carneval story. Here you are.
After the parade which is really loud and enjoyable all of the participants are ready to go to Kildenparken. The entrance there costs 100DKK - but you are partying the whole day (from around 13 or 14) and the night! It is really fabolous!
The park is huge so there are many different activities that may suit your needs. You can even get married in all those funny clothes. I am not sure but there are minimum 5 different stages with different famous singers and DJs.
The atmosphere is amazing - lots of people in the crowed, you can feel lots of love there:) Eventhough it's such a big amount of people you are not scared to be there and party all the time - people are chilling on the grass, some are even sleaping and those who need to party - ohhh they are getting crazy, but in a good and happy way:)
Guys I am leaving you with some pictures of mine and a real life danish story of a good friend of mine - Jeppe - who was so kind to help us with getting to know a bit of a danish culture in that day:) Enjoy!!
Jeppe Blumensaat Rasmussen

"I have participated in Aalborg Carnival twice: 2008 and 2009, and then it destroyed my old apartment in 2010, but I wasn't there.
A usual carnival's day often starts out with the guys and girls meeting up early in the morning, having breakfast together, getting dressed, and start drinking before joining the grand parade. Before telling any more it is important to emphasise that among my group of friends the point is to drink and dance as much as possible!
When going to the parade, and in the parade we always carry a lot to drink! My first year we had an old pram with us, whereas the second year we had a shopping cart! It is very normal that locals build impressive “floats” and suit the theme with lots of alcohol inside, but the two years I have participated, we have arrived from my hometown 100 Km away, which have made it virtually impossible to bring a nice “float” with us.
Getting through the grand parade has usually taken us four hours to get through before reaching Kildenparken or “Kilden” as it is widely known. On the way we usually follow different party-trucks with huge sound-systems. Arriving at Kilden, we have usually been waiting quite some time to enter, since we haven't really considered buying a ticket in presale, which really can be recommended! Inside “Kilden” we usually settle down around the electronic scene, where DJ's play different sets all day long. We stay in “Kilden” till around 6-8 and then we hit home to change clothes, and those of us still in the party mood, gets ready to hit Jomfru Ane Gade, probably around 10-12. Both years my memory is slightly gone, due to the enormous amounts of alcohol so far. “JAG” (alcoholic danish drink) during the carnival night is probably the most busy of the year. I remember that in 2009 it took me and two friends around 45 minutes to get through the crowded street, people are literally packed like sardines. Both years I have lasted till around 4-5 in the morning, then hitting home, sleeping and enjoying the next day hangover.
For people enjoying Aalborg Carnival I will definitely recommend “Notting Hill Carnival”, which is among the biggest of the world! It is the Banking Holiday in August! I participated in 2010 and it was a tremendous experience as well!"
I am attaching a picture of how messy the street looks like after so many people crossing the street:) Thanks to Denmark - it is cleaned every 10 minutes I suppose:)
Guys, thank you so much for reading and supporting Me You UCN on facebook - follow here I hope you enjoyed this short post and I hope you can leave some comments to inspire me for the next notes!:) And for those of you who are in Aalborg and feel bored on friday evening - me and my friends are organisaing a party for 100 people with funk, electronic and D'n'B music. The entrance fee is 10 dkk - just to cover the rent - if you need some more info - contact me :)
so great! I saw this guy already once :) What a nice post Aleksandra!
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