Hi Everyone!
It is already a second week of your studies at UCN! I can not believe the time flyes by so fast. Let me know, how are your first impressions! I am very, very courios.
As I was talking to some students you are very impressed how many group works you are having during your studies. Well, I must say - I am very individualistic, coming from an eastern european country, where all you have, you have to hide and be very untrustful to the work and personal life of other people. Therefore when I arrived to the danish study environment I did not like to work in groups and share my knoweledge and experience with some other students ,who I did not know at all.
Well, I needed to change it, because you could easily see the results of not working in a group and putting your input into it. After that, when it came to some important projects, students who did not like to work together, they had difficulties to find a group, or to be visible by the teachers. The grades went down suddenely and the person had difficulties in finding their mates.
Danish education puts the biggest focus on teaching the students how to put the relevant theory into action. That is why, it is really important to get from the teachers the assignments to work on and discuss it with more people. Then the result of a finished task is visible from many different eyes, opinions, suggestions and ideas. We are all different and we all have various backgrounds, what is an amazing advantage in a global perspective. That is why, it is so important that you find people from different countries when working on a task - you have a bigger possibility that your project will be the one, that will move in a wide range of knoweledge thanks to cultural differences.
Therefore it is obligatory that all the students have their dreamed internships, abroad or in Denmark. It is very important to show, how much do we know, and how much we can provide for our employees. Here you can read a blog post created recentely about my experience, fulfilling my first internship in Malta. Here is also a video for you, from UCN Student Help Desk which includes the students of UCN who are also practicing their knoweledge in a 'Real Life Education' :)
Also our school is organising trips like Reality Camp or Radical New Thinking Camp (More info with videos and pictures here) when we need to work for a company, during the day and night :)
Hopefully you get the idea right now, behind the whole practice UCN concept :)
I promise, I will come back to you with more posts soon, but please - share your opinion and your ideas for a new blog posts! So I know what to write about to satisfy your needs :)
Good luck with your school projects and remember to work well in a team!
Aleksandra :)
I like your posts a lot, Aleksandra!
I must say i was really impressed with the video mostly. It is so cool to come here and find all this nice stuff
Hi. I would like to ask you for a post regarding the portofolio's we have to make for the end of the semester. Both me and my classmates are in big doubt about what it should contain and what exactly we should do. I guess many people would need some more info on that :)
PS. Love your blog!
I immediately wanted to say my thanks for the knowledge Real Life Education provided here,I have been recently in your blog once or twice now.
Thanks for the information if anyone are interested in Studying in Denmark from India please follow us on The Hope Overseas
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